Thursday, February 27, 2025

BLACK ANGEL / BLACK SQUAW "ScarFace" Conclusion

...African-American/Native American aviatrix Bessie Coleman, flying an unarmed seaplane carrying bootlegger Al Capone and his entourage, is attacked by another aircraft with a machine-gunner!
Despite being outgunned, Bessie manages to shear off the attacking aircraft's tail section, causing it to crash, and eliminating the threat!
But the gunfire damage to her seaplane's pontoons causes it to sink after she, Capone and his assistants evacuate the craft by boat after landing.
The gangster, impresed by her prowess, agrees to buy a new plane, and send her home for a brief vacation.
However, Bessie didn't know the dreaded Ku Klux Klan, anxious to find her black plane that downed one of their own craft, had found it, but the tween-age kids she left to watch the barn/hanger had killed the two racists!
She's now attempting to repair the damage the Klansmen did to her aircraft!
And the Klan is wondering what happened to their missing men...
And so Black Angel: ScarFace, ends on a cliffhanger with Bessie, "armed" with an empty pistol, being brought to the KKK's state headquarters!
Sadly, only the first two volumes were translated into English and offered only as e-books!
The remaining volumes which completed the series...
Volume 3: Le Crotoy
Volume 4: Secret Six
have never been translated and exist only in non-English print editions
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Thursday, February 20, 2025


African-American/Native-American Aviatrix Bessie Coleman... transporting her employer, bootlegger/gangster Al Capone and his aides back to the US from Canada when they come under attack by an unknown, machine-gun toting assailant!
Armed only with pistols, the gangster and his group are outgunned, leaving their fate in Bessie's flying skills and daring...

The Adventure Concludes
Next Thursday!

Written by Yann Balac'h and illustrated by Alain Henriet, the initial graphic novel, published in 2020 in France by Dupuis, received both critical acclaim and excellent sales, resulting in a new volume in the series each year since, with the fourth (and final) chapter now available!
Though published simultaneously in print and electronic editions throughout Europe, the first two volumes are available in English only as Kindle e-books!
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Thursday, February 13, 2025


...she was away from home, on assignment for Al Capone!
But two Ku Klux Klansmen found her black airplane, which knocked a Klan aircraft which had attacked her out of the sky, killing the crew!
And they found a group of local kids whom Bessie had asked to keep an eye on her plane.
The two gunmen were about to "rub out" the young witnesses to the sabotage they planned to do.
Meanwhile, unaware of the danger the children are in..
But, what about the kids and the Klansmen?

While the kids enjoy the spoils of their victory, we flashback to when Bessie was younger...

And, on that foreboding note, we return to the present!
That plane's definitely not on a mail run, unless it's delivering .45 caliber death!

The Adventure Continues
Next Thursday!
Written by Yann Balac'h and illustrated by Alain Henriet, the initial graphic novel, published in 2020 in France by Dupuis, received both critical acclaim and excellent sales, resulting in a new volume in the series each year since, with the fourth (and final) chapter now available!
Though published simultaneously in print and electronic editions throughout Europe, the first two volumes are available in English only as Kindle e-books!
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Thursday, February 6, 2025


Note: This is a symbolic cover showing late 1920s African American/Native American aviatrix Bessie Coleman with African-American soldiers in 1915-1917 World War I France.
The reason will be apparent after you read this opening chapter...
Now that you've seen one of the elements that inspired Bessie, we return to the present, where the now-adult aviatrix, while on business for her employer, Al Capone, has allowed a group of local kids to keep an eye on her personal aircraft while she's gone.
However, a pair of Ku Klux Klan goons have been tipped off to the location of the black plane that had a dogfight against one of the Klan's aircraft...and won!
You'll have to wait until next week to see the result of the gunfire.
Flashback to a young Bessie and her now-deceased father...
Before tha answer is revealed...reality intrudes!
The Adventure Continues
Next Thursday!
Written by Yann Balac'h and illustrated by Alain Henriet, the initial graphic novel, published in 2020 in France by Dupuis, received both critical acclaim and excellent sales, resulting in a new volume in the series each year since, with the fourth (and final) chapter now available!
Though published simultaneously in print and electronic editions throughout Europe, the first two volumes are available in English only as Kindle e-books!
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