...before The Avengers, Fantastic Four, X-Men, or SHIELD existed, and before Kree Captain Mar-Vell came to Earth, Americans Ben Grimm, Carol Danvers, and Canadian Logan, infiltrated the USSR, where they encountered Natasha Romanoff (who is not operating under her own name)...and since the Russian isn't working with the trio, but against them...it ain't going well!
Sadly, we never see what happens during "Phase Two"!
Written by Larry Hama, penciled by Kaare Andrews and inked by Walden Wong, this never-reprinted tale from Marvel's Before the Fantastic Four: Ben Grimm & Logan #3 (2000) is set in the dawn of the Silver Age Marvel Universe, before the events of Fantastic Four #1!And there's a reason Natasha isn't using her own name...but we never learn what it is!
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