Friday, August 23, 2024

STARFAWN "To the Nearest Quasar" Part 3

We Have Already Seen...
The crew of the starship Destiny is apparently on an alien world and currently split into several groups.

Two groups are able to extricate themselves from the chambers they were sealed in are now searching through a huge city for the others.
One group runs into a problem when Daystar Stern, ship's historian and the story's narrator, falls into an energy conduit which renders him immobile, but alive!
The second freed group, including Shalla aka StarFawn, who recently gained superhuman abilities when she touched an alien artifact floating in space, is about to find the third, still incarcerated, group, whom we now join...

Has the crew of Destiny gone from a frying pan into a fire?
Tune in tomorrow at
Atomic Kommie Comics
for Space Force / Space Heroine Saturdays to find out!

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