Friday, April 27, 2012


Probably the first Desi (Indian subcontinent) heroine...
...this one-shot character (and princess, to boot) appeared in Fiction House's Jungle Comics #57 (1944)
For a "frail girl", she kicks serious a$$!
It's a shame she never got another appearance.
Both the writer and artist are unknown.
(The records for long-defunct publisher Fiction House are lost to history.)
Be here next week, when we present another tale of classic comic grrl power!

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Friday, April 20, 2012

AURORA OF JUPITER "Man Who Wanted a World"

To start off this blog, let's go with a heroine nobody remembers...
...from her one and only appearance in the back of the obscure one-shot Captain Rocket #1 (1951)!
We don't know who wrote or drew this story.
The art combines several different styles on different pages so it could've been a rush job with a group effort to meet the deadline.

PL Publishing was an American publisher who printed and distributed their books in Canada.
As a result, very few copies of any of their eight short-lived titles ever reached fans in the US!

Be here next week, when we present another tale of classic comic grrl power!

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