Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Adventure Comics SUPERGIRL "Now...Comes Zond!" Part 1

In 1970, writer/artist/editor Mike Sekowsky...
..., who had already made the most radical changes in Wonder Woman history by de-powering Diana Prince, took over the Supergirl strip in Adventure Comics. and immediately shook up the status quo...
Wow, Kara Zor-El just had her butt handed to her, eh?
How does the Girl of Steel make a comeback?
Be Here
for the Answer!
When did Supergirl previously-demonstrate telepathic abilities?
She didn't before or after Sekowsky's run, but did a couple more times during it!
We always knew Kryptonians were vulnerable to magic, but such "mysticism" was shown to be a rather sanitized version of the concept, more like Arthur C Clarke's "Any sufficiently-advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" than traditional sorcery.
Suddenly, the wizarding world in DC Comics had gone gothic with covens of hooded figures and other trappings of Satanic worship!
Much of this was due to modifications to the Comics Code Authority's rules, loosening restrictions about monsters, mysticism, and horror in general.
Comics creatives leaped at the opportunity to create new horror-oriented strips like Swamp Thing, Tomb of Dracula, and Monster of Frankenstein, or injecting spooky elements into existing series, with DC being the most radical with their revamping of Challengers of the Unknown from scientific adventurers into a version of GhostBusters!
Sekowsky had already done so in Wonder Woman, and, as part of his "updating" of Supergirl, introduced some of those aspects (which would be expanded on) here!
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